Short for neuro-linguistic programming, NLP Therapy has been around since the 1970s. Over the decades, many have benefited from changed beliefs and behaviors that come with NLP coaching - overcome negative beliefs, and have a more fulfilled life, more in touch with yourself, your emotions and all the different parts of you to create better outcomes in all relationships.
So, how does NLP work? Let’s talk about it.
Our mind is incredibly powerful. And it just so happens that the power of NLP therapy may be one of the most successful ways to change our mindset - and change our lives.
What is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of our thoughts and how they impact our behaviors. Let’s break it down.
Neuro represents neurology.
Linguistic represents language. It involves the language you use to communicate with others and with yourself.
Programming represents function. Our minds begin programming thoughts, experiences, and emotions from the time we are very small. Your mind is like the internal operating system for all of this mapping.
NLP, then, is basically like learning the language of our mind.
How Does NLP Work?
NLP believes that each of us has an internal map, and works with all the different parts of you. Things that we experience can be experienced differently with the use of various NLP Coaching techniques. In other words, you can begin to change your current behavior and replace it with a positive perspective of self for better outcomes. Our thoughts and feelings play a big part in defining our reality, and by changing the way we think, and feel about ourselves.
How NLP Therapy Works
NLP is the language of our mind, and can teach us to learn to change that language.
The theory behind NLP therapy is that our minds create a map of all the parts of ourselves and of our experiences, and interactions. The most important part of it, though, is the way the senses are involved. We represent the world using the visual (images), auditory (sounds), kinesthetic (touch and internal feelings), gustatory (tastes) and olfactory (smells) senses
NLP therapists believe that this system is vital to creating change in our lives.
In therapy sessions extract specific information to analyze effective ways to understand the issue, and get to the root cause of the part that is stuck or hurting, the part that is holding you back. Chunking it down into more manageable sessions for the change to occur and integrate, helping heal each part of you, to create a happier, more positive and whole you.
Below are a couple of common techniques used:
Dissociation. If you have had a traumatic past or have been dealing with situations that make you overwhelmed, fearful, sad or angry, you can use this technique to distance yourself from it. This when you pop out your body and into your head, this is Dissociation.
Anchoring. Using a particular positive emotion that you want to feel and attach to you, use an anchor by a firm squeeze on your arm, You can begin to create a neurological stimulus response.
Reframing. Reframing is when an undesirable behavior or trait is reworded, reframed with a positive intention. Reframing can also be used to describe changing the context or representation of a problem to enable a positive perspective that changes your entire experience.
There are many techniques used by NLP coaches, they can identify what technique matches your needs, to the right the outcome you are seeking.
What is NLP Therapy? What Conditions Can NLP Help?
Everyone can benefit from NLP coaching. You don’t have to have any conditions or traumatic experiences to learn how to manifest a positive outlook for a more fulfilled and happy life. It is not uncommon, though, for those with depression, anxiety, or PTSD to use NLP therapy for the necessary change work.
Further, NLP can help those looking to change negative behaviors that do not serve them, to promote and achieving of their life goals.
Who can benefit from NLP Coaching?
NLP coaching works for everyone both individually and couples.
Individuals can benefit from changing a negative self belief, or working through childhood trauma. Getting past unwanted negative beliefs, and feelings you have about yourself, change work to change your life.
Couples take advantage of NLP coaching to open their levels of communication and rebuild increased trust for more openings for love and sensuality. Working with Codependency and different attachment styles that are cursing issues, as well as triggers and past hurts, can be worked through as couples begin to heal and reconnect with one another on a much deeper level.
The Role of NLP Practitioners
NLP Practitioner guides you through discovering the map already laid out in your brain -- and puts together the method for which to change it. Using various types of techniques, to work with all the different parts of you.
They encourage their clients and help them step outside of their comfort zones to break through your barriers. NLP practitioners will help them to stop focusing on negative beliefs and start allowing themselves to transform.
An NLP practitioner is the guide to a more fulfilled life
Interested In Knowing More About NLP Therapy?
If you are interested in learning more about NLP coaching or would like to see how it can benefit your life, then Ashley Howitt, NLP Intimacy & Relationship Thearpy can help.
I help clients change the way they think about themselves, in a positive way, I give them coping tools and insights as to the impacts of their issues, anxiety, and trauma.
I help reduce the reactions to triggers, and help them release inner pain to reduce anxiety in their lives. To overcome the past and reconnect with all the beautiful parts of yourself.
Whether it is for individual or couples coaching, you can schedule your appointment today.